Brainstorming with the highly creative

Arthur Gogatz
2 min readMar 26, 2021

Most people approach a problem by going 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. which means they move little by little from their starting position, mindset, or solution to one which is progressively different. It’s a cautious, logical, highly accepted approach. They start logical and stay logical. They’re inching toward the absurd, toward the radical, toward solutions which are vastly different than the one they first envisioned, but because of time and other constraints, they never get there. Their ending point may be solution 22 or 23 on an open-ended scale. Their final selection is thus only between a few options. Highly creative people do the opposite. They start at the impossible, the radical, and work quickly backwards towards the logical. Their starting point may be at 100 or beyond. Their final selection is between many more variables, and their final solution is usually one which non-creative people never got close to imagining, because they were plodding along in their thinking while the creative person was running. When they need to be creative, highly creative people can shift to a mental state where are no social rules, no need to self-censor, or stop to worry about public opinion. Instead of plodding along, they run because there are no obstacles (rules) to mentally hinder them. In this creative mindset it’s easy to come up with all kinds of ideas including ones that turn things upside down and inside out. Brainstorming without this kind of approach produces tepid results at best.



Arthur Gogatz

Associate Professor and CEO of the World Innovation Team, a consulting firm specializing in creativity & innovation. I have taught in 23 countries worldwide