Are you process or results oriented?

Arthur Gogatz
1 min readMar 25, 2021

Reggae singer Bob Marley’s quote “some people feel the rain, others just get wet” is about process and result, which is vital to the creative attitude. Children and highly creative adults are process oriented while others are largely result oriented. When you enjoy something, you focus on the process. Many people are amazed by how slowly I eat. Since eating is ranked the 2nd greatest pleasure in the world, I see no reason to rush it, I usually explain, adding it’s a habit I picked up while living in France. When you enjoy something, you become process focus and when you don’t and the process becomes tedious your focus shifts to the result. As a teacher I know which of my students are enjoying the process of learning and which are not. It may sound obvious but the more process oriented you are the more you’re enjoying what you do, which in turn affects all your results



Arthur Gogatz

Associate Professor and CEO of the World Innovation Team, a consulting firm specializing in creativity & innovation. I have taught in 23 countries worldwide